Turning Pointe also offers fun fitness programs! We currently offer Bungee Fitness classes for both kids and adults and Pound parties for kids! Get a group of your friends together and schedule a Bungee party or watch our social media for upcoming classes to try.
Fitness classes start at $10 per person. Bungee Fitness can have a maximum of 6/class.
What is PiYo?
PiYo combines the strength training—and body lengthening—aspects of Pilates with the core training and stretching elements of yoga to create an entirely new workout experience. It's low impact and adaptable to all ages and fitness levels. Unlike traditional Pilates and yoga sessions, PiYo is set up like a cardio class, designed to burn calories and make you sweat.
Choreographed sequences that are sped up to maximize results provide PiYo participants with a fun routine to master while listening to upbeat, motivating music. Besides a yoga mat (and maybe a towel to wipe your brow), there is no additional equipment used during a PiYo class. Participants actually incorporate their own body weight into a series of dynamic moves. (From beachbody.com)
What is Pound?
Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and Pilates-inspired movements. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out. Designed for all fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all ages and abilities. (From poundfit.com)
What is Bungee Fit?
We are very excited to be one of two venues in the state of Indiana to offer this innovative, fun, and safe way to exercise. Bungee Fit offers a holistic workout focusing on arm, core, and leg strength. All movements, can be modified for various fitness levels. One big advantage of Bungee is that you leave sweating but with no pain in your joints. As a matter of fact, doctors recommend Bungee to a variety of people!